“On behalf of MEPCO, Gillian and her group have conducted searches for several Board Directors to a major pension board and each time, produced excellent outcomes” Read Testimonials
P Vanini, MEPCO
Canadian companies are under increased scrutiny to improve the gender balance and broader diversity of their boards and executive teams. Whether driven by regulatory disclosure requirements, the desire to avoid an imposed quota system, or a genuine conviction that greater diversity will enhance decision-making, effectiveness and performance; the demand for qualified women and minority leaders will continue to grow. More than ever, the value of diverse experiences, skills and perspectives has become vital to a company’s competitiveness, growth and survival — in effect, to its very relevance.
At Lansdowne Board Intelligence, we believe that the lack of significant progress in appointing more women, is not due to a shortage of qualified women but rather, is the ongoing result of a systemic process problem that perpetuates homogeneity and lacks concrete actions that effect change. Our experts will help you see that when competence and diversity are prioritized during the selection process — it leads to the best candidates being selected for your board or executive team.
How a Diverse Leadership Team Benefits Your Organizaton
Time and again, research has demonstrated how organizations with greater leadership diversity outperform homogeneous ones. Diverse teams:
- contribute to better decision-making;
- exhibit higher returns on equity, higher valuations and higher profits;
- demonstrate increased innovation;
- achieve a more robust understanding of opportunities and risks;
- avoid the propensity for “group-think;”
- improves employee engagement and performance;
- enhance governance and sustainability; and,
- enables the attraction and retention of more diverse talent
Our Longstanding Commitment to Diversity
Our experts have a long and unwavering history of supporting diversity. We use our experience and expertise to provide your organization with revitalized recruiting practices, new protocols and access to a broader talent pool. We keep you focused on the competencies, characteristics and merits of each individual candidate, and thus extend the pool of candidates beyond the traditional sources of “obvious” candidates. The result is a robust, objective and merit-based selection process that your company’s stakeholders can rely on.
Contact us today to learn more.
View sample board diversity policy
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Learn how Lansdowne Board Intelligence can help your organization find the qualified and diverse candidates that will best position you for the future!